English Conversation Club

Confidence through Conversation.  Have Fun Speaking English


English Conversation Club, a place for everyone to come together to use and practice their English in a safe, relaxed, fun environment.


A safe and relaxed setting where the children can happily practice their English language skills in a warm and friendly atmosphere.


An enjoyable and entertaining way to support and encourage the development of listening, understanding and speaking skills.

ECC, for Students from 3rd Grade through to Adult

We collaborate very closely with all our participating schools in order to provide a relaxed, safe, space within the schools for our students to meet, practice and improve their conversational English skills.

English Club

600 Lei

10 Sessions
1 Hour Session
Fun and Friendly
 Max 8 Per Group

KETfs Preparation Course

360 Lei

3 Sessions
2 Hours Session
2 Practice Tests
Max 4 Per Group

PETfs Preparation Course

360 Lei

3 Sessions
2 Hours Session
2 Practice Tests
Max 4 Per Group

Starters, Movers, Flyers

360 Lei

6 Sessions 
1 Hour Session
3 Practice tests 
 Max 4 Per Group  

Debate Club

240 Lei

4 Sessions 
1 Hour Session
Cool Debate Topics
 Max 6 Per Group  

Full preparation courses for Cambridge English YLE

Starters, Movers and Flyers

Incredere prin conversatie

Distraza-te vorbind engleza!


English Conversation Club, un loc unde toti se strang pentru a vorbi si folosi limba engleza intr-un mediu sigur, relaxat si vesel.


Un mediu sigur si relaxat unde copiii pot sa isi foloseasca cu bucurie abilitatile lor de limba engleza intr-o atmosfera calda si prietenoasa.


Un mod placut si amuzant de a incuraja dezvoltarea abilitatilor de ascultare, intelegere si vorbire.

ECC, pentru elevi incepand cu clasa a III-a pana la varsta adulta

Avem o colaborare stransa cu toate scolile participante pentru a oferi elevilor nostri un spatiu relaxat si sigur in cadrul scolii, unde elevii se pot intalni, pot folosi si isi pot imbunatati abilitatile lor conversationale in limba engleza.

English Club

600 Lei

10 Sessions
1 Hour Session
Fun and Friendly
 Max 8 Per Group

KETfs Preparation Course

360 Lei

3 Sessions
2 Hours Session
2 Practice Tests
Max 4 Per Group

PETfs Preparation Course

360 Lei

3 Sessions
2 Hours Session
2 Practice Tests
Max 4 Per Group

Starters, Movers, Flyers

360 Lei

6 Sessions 
1 Hour Session
3 Practice tests 
 Max 4 Per Group  

Debate Club

240 Lei

4 Sessions 
1 Hour Session
Cool Debate Topics
 Max 6 Per Group  

Ne puteti contacta pentru informatii privind cursurile de pregatirea a examenelor Cambridge English YLE Starters, Movers si Flyers.