Key English Test

Preparing for Cambridge English KET test

Preparation for the Cambridge English KET test is everything. It is important that your child needs to feel as confident as possible on the day of the test. 

Cambridge KETfs

Because 50% of the final score at Cambridge exams consists of Listening and Speaking, we make sure that all children that we are preparing will be able to obtain the maximum number of shields at these two elements.

During the children’s preparation in order for them to pass the Cambridge exams, in the working sessions we develop exam simulations with all three of its parts: Reading and Writing, Listening, Speaking.

Cambridge English: Key, also known as the Key English Test (KET), shows that you can communicate in basic English in everyday situations.

This exam is recognised as a linguistic competency within the selection of the students who choose to study in bilingual or intensive classes if passed with one of the following grades: Pass with Distinction, Pass with Merit or Pass.

Who should take this exam

You should take the KET exam if you have done about 250 hours of study or practice and can speak, write and understand basic English. To take the exam you should be able to:

  • ask and answer questions about yourself and others
  • understand announcements and instructions when people speak slowly and clearly
  • tell people what you think about something you read or hear.

What is the exam format

There are three parts to the exam. You do the Reading and Writing, and the Listening papers on the same day and you may need to return to do the Speaking on a different day. You will do the Speaking part with two examiners and one other exam candidate.

Cambridge KETfs

Tinand cont de faptul ca 50% din scorul final la examenele Cambridge este alcatuit de componentele de Ascultare si respectiv Vorbire, noi ne asiguram ca toti copiii pe care noi ii pregatim vor fi in masura sa obtina numarul maxim de scuturi la aceste doua elemente.

In cadrul pregatirii copiilor in vederea promovorii examenelor Cambridge, pe parcursul sesiunilor de lucru realizam simularea examenului, cu toate cele trei componenete ale sale: Citire si Scriere, Ascultare, Vorbire.

Cambridge English: Key, cunoscut de asemenea sub numele de Key English Test (KET) arata ca poti comunica in limba engleze in situatii de zi cu zi.

Examenul este recunoscut ca si competenta lingvistica pentru elevii care aleg sa studieze in clase bilingve si intensive de limba engleza atunci cand este promovat cu unul dintre urmatoarele calificative: Pass with Distinction, Pass with Merit or Pass.

Cine poate sa sustina acest examen?

Ar trebui sa susti acest examen daca ai studiat teoretic sau practic cel putin 250 de ore de limba engleza si poti vorbi, scrie si intelege cuvintele de baza ale limbii engleze. Pentru a putea promova acest examen, ar trebui sa fii capabil:

  • Sa intrebi si sa raspunzi la intrebari despre tine si despre altii
  • Sa intelegi anunturi si instructiuni cand oamenii vorbesc rar si clar
  • Sa iti spui opinia despre ceva ce ai citit sau ai auzit.

Care este formatul examenului?

Examenul are trei parti: Citire si Scriere, Ascultare, care se sustin in aceeasi zi, si Vorbire, care este posibil sa se sustina intr-o alta zi. Partea de Vorbire se sustine in fata a doi examinatori impreuna cu un alt candidat.

English Club

600 Lei

10 Sessions
1 Hour Session
Fun and Friendly
 Max 8 Per Group

KETfs Preparation Course

360 Lei

3 Sessions
2 Hours Session
2 Practice Tests
Max 4 Per Group

PETfs Preparation Course

360 Lei

3 Sessions
2 Hours Session
2 Practice Tests
Max 4 Per Group

Starters, Movers, Flyers

360 Lei

6 Sessions 
1 Hour Session
3 Practice tests 
 Max 4 Per Group  

Debate Club

240 Lei

4 Sessions 
1 Hour Session
Cool Debate Topics
 Max 6 Per Group