Why Choose ECC
Why ECC?
- We understand that the three important stages in learning a foreign language are: listening, understanding, speaking
- The course is conducted by a native English speaker
- Being the parents of a 13 year old boy, we know their “language” and interests, so we can choose topics that attract them
- We ensure the necessary training in order for the children to pass the Cambridge exams appropriate for their age and level of knowledge
- We develop courses with small groups of children, up to a maximum of 8 per class, giving each child the opportunity to express their opinions and to assimilate the information in a relaxed and friendly environment
- The working sessions are held in their school, usually on completion of their school hours
De ce ECC?
- Noi intelegem ca cele trei etape importante in invatarea unei limbi straine sunt: ascultare, intelegere, vorbire
- Cursul se desfasoara sub conducerea unui vorbitor nativ de limba engleza
- Fiind parintii unui baiat de 13 ani, le cunoastem “limbajul” si interesele, putand aborda teme care sa-i atraga
- Asiguram copiilor pregatirea necesara promovarii examenelor Cambridge corespunzatoare varstei si nivelului lor de pregatire
- Desfasuram cursurile cu grupuri mici de copii, maxim 8, dand fiecarui copil oportunitatea sa isi exprime opiniile cu incredere si sa asimileze informatiile intr-un mediu relaxat si prietenos
- Sesiunile de lucru se desfasoara in scoala lor, de regula la finalizarea orelor de curs