Preliminary English Test
Preparing for Cambridge English PETfs test
Preparation for the Cambridge English PET test is everything. It is important that your child needs to feel as confident as possible on the day of the test.
Cambridge PETfs
Also known as the Preliminary English Test (PET) and Preliminary English Test for Schools (PETfS) shows that you can communicate in English in practical, everyday situations. It will give you a good foundation if you want to study for a professional English qualification.
This exam is recognised both as a linguistic competency within the selection of the students who choose to study in bilingual and intensive classes and as a linguistic competency within the Baccalaureate if passed with one of the following grades: Pass with Distinction, Pass with Merit or Pass.
Studying for the PET exam will improve your English so that you can communicate when travelling or dealing with English speakers for work.
To take the exam you should be able to:
express your likes and dislikes, and discuss them with others
understand spoken and written announcements and instructions
write a personal letter or take notes from a meeting or discussion.
How does the exam process work?
There are three parts to the exam: Reading and Writing, Listening papers on the same day and you may need to return to do the Speaking on a different day. You will do the Speaking part with two examiners and one other exam candidate.
Cambridge PETfs
Cunoscut de asemnea sub numele de Preliminary English Test (PET) si Preliminary English Test for Schools (PETfs) arata ca poti comunica in limba engleza in situatii practice de zi cu zi. Iti va asigura o baza solida daca vei dori sa studiezi pentru o cariera ce implica limba engleza.
Examenul este recunoscut ca si competenta lingvistica pentru elevii care aleg sa studieze in clase bilingve si intensive de limba engleza si de asemenea pentru bacalaureat, atunci cand este promovat cu unul dintre urmatoarele calificative: Pass with Distinction, Pass with Merit or Pass.
Cine ar trebui sa sustina acest examen?
Studiind pentru examenul PET, abilitatile tale de limba engleza se vor imbunatati astfel incat vei putea comunica atunci cand calatoresti sau cand trebuie sa comunici cu vorbitori de limba engleza in cadrul sarcinilor tale de serviciu.
Pentru a putea promova acest examen, ar trebui sa fii capabil:
Sa exprimi ce iti place si ce iti displace, si sa poti discuta despre acestea cu altii;
Sa intelegi anunturi si instructiuni vorbite si scrise;
Sa scrii o scrisoare personala sau sa iei notite in cadrul unei intalniri sau discutii.